Whether you need representation on appeal from an adverse judgment or you have won your case at trial and need representation on appeal to defend your favorable judgment, we will represent you.
Our Services
We provide appellate representation before Maryland’s circuit courts, administrative agencies, including the Office of Administrative Hearings, Court of Special Appeals of Maryland, Court of Appeals of Maryland and federal circuit courts of appeal. Our services include record review, brief writing, record extract preparation, motions practice, and oral argument.
Our Credentials
- Appellate Law Clerk for the Honorable Raymond G. Thieme, Jr., Court of Special Appeals
- Special Staff Attorney for the Honorable Joseph F. Murphy, Jr., then-Chief Judge, Court of Special Appeals of Maryland
- Significant experience representing clients on appeal in state and federal courts and before administrative bodies
Our Achievements
Here are some examples of the types of matters we have successfully argued before the appellate courts.
- Mother appealing a finding of child neglect as the result of a child’s accidental fall, before the Department of Social Services
- Wife and mother of five children in a denial of monetary award due to condition of family home where damage was caused by family members
- Property owner action against neighbor for trespass when trial court found in favor of neighbor
- Divorce where parties were also business partners and trial court erred in division of business calculations and set-offs
- Carjacking victim where uninsured motorist carrier denied coverage for her injuries
- Property owners where county government passed legislation that effectively took their property without just compensation
- Injured worker when uninsured motorist carrier denied coverage and sought to have medical bills, reduced as the result of insurance contracts with the medical providers, used to prove damages
The Next Step
Call 410-541-6405 for an appointment. Or complete the contact form, and we will get in touch with you by the next business day.